The name of our company came from the relationships peers have with each other. It started with an idea that Lorraine, our founder, had that there could be more to a school community than fear from our peers.
There are a lot of fears in schools, and so much of that fear is built into relationships with our peers. There are also a lot of pressures on students as teens these pressures and fears often translate into an environment where our students struggle to thrive.
If we see our peers as leaders and ourselves as leaders then we can start to see community!
As an educator, Lorraine saw a gap in leadership development for all students. She saw how schools put student leaders on pedestals, allowing minor mistakes to be overlooked (i.e. no pass). When a student leader did make a mistake - one that was not ok (i.e. cheating) - the pedestal was removed and the student leader was left without support to learn how to come back from the mistake. This not only impacted the student leader but all students who thought maybe they could be a leader. The ones who KNEW they made mistakes.
Consider the times when you have made a mistake; what was your first reaction - deny it, hide it, blame someone else? We just want you to think about your reaction and then consider what our teens might feel as well. If we are afraid of the consequences of mistakes, we can be sure our teens feel that even more.
Peers not Fears works to dispel the myth that leaders are perfect - by engaging in activities that are designed for making mistakes. Helping our teens learn who they are, and how they work with others, to see that EVERYONE makes mistakes.
Even the facilitators.